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A Bit About Us

Taking Our Health Into Our Hands At

Mount Royal University

Conceptualized in 2020, a small group of students with a vision came together to organize a safe place for students to ask for help, to share their dreams and fears and to help others. Within a short time, our group reached out into the online community and now we are a thriving community. We are currently focusing on helping our fellow students stay on track during the unprecedented study and learning conditions with the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as protecting the mental health of our students. Our group of executives is responsible for moderating our online forum, reaching out to the community for support for our club members, and organizing online team-building activities. We plan to host events in the community and on campus when it is safe to do so. If you are interested in joining SAPHA, please use the link below to contact us and join our coalition against stigma!

About: About Us

Our Executive Team

About: Text

Aera E.


Aera England is a second year bachelor of science student, majoring in biology, with a human anatomy and physiology concentration. Her pronouns are she/her. When she isn't busy studying or conducting SAPHA business, she volunteers at the Foothills Medical Center, enjoys time with her two cats, and loves to read. As president, she is responsible for providing leadership to the club and overseeing club activities as well as delegating duties to the other executives. She is also responsible for providing structure and organization to the club in order to ensure community outreach and member satisfaction. Aera started SAPHA because she is passionate about mental health and addiction crises in the student population as well as preventative techniques for physical ailments like healthy eating and regular exercise.


Emilia M.

Vice-President External

Emilia Mehrabi is in the Bachelor of General Science - Biology and Chemistry program. Her role in SAPHA as Vice President External is to establish relation and affiliation with non-profit organizations to help build a stronger community with Mount Royal’s students and Calgary’s many public health organizations. SAPHA has an extensive role in Emilia’s life - while SAPHA is a club run for students by students, it’s seen to her as a support system between students, and when in need, sometimes students seek support from their peers. She believes SAPHA can present a stronger student community this way. A topic of conversation of public health that is important to Emilia is mental health. Mental health serves as a direct indicator in how well stressors are handled and how thoughts and emotions are affected. With a healthier mind, our productivity in our day-to-day lives tend to increase, and an overall positive outlook is created.


Katie H.

Vice-President Communications

Katie is our executive of communications who is currently in her second year at Mount Royal studying as a bachelor of arts student, while majoring in psychology. She decided to major in psychology in hopes to pursue a career as an educational psychologist to help refine children’s experiences while learning. In her freetime she likes to spend time with family and friends as well as take her dog to the park and on long walks. As executive of communications, Katie is responsible for managing the club’s social media accounts, newsletters, emails, and advertisements. Katie joined SAPHA because she wants to promote a safe place for students to receive support for both mental and physical health struggles.


Nancy T.

Vice-President Finance

Nancy is a second-year Bachelor of Nursing student at Mount Royal University as of Fall 2020. Nancy’s pronouns are she/her. In her spare time, Nancy can be found reading and enjoying music. As SAPHA’s Vice-President of Finance, she is responsible for working with the other executives to help to create a financial plan and yearly budget for the club. Nancy is passionate about SAPHA due to the club’s mission to encourage others to take their health into their own hands and bringing awareness to different health concerns and help to inform individuals of different services and information regarding these health concerns. Nancy is passionate about vaccinations as she believes vaccinations are the key to preventing diseases, especially among the immunocompromised population.

About: Meet the Team

©2020 by Student Advocacy Club for Public Health Awareness. Proudly created with

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